This page is about my adventure as a DJ which i started together
with some friends back ik 1984.And a while ago i decided to make a
mix that will include only songs from the years 1984 till 1994, this
is because that was the periode i had a small drive-in at our sportsclub
and later on i also started to play the records on small highschools.
It started as a joke because we wanted a Disco on the sportsclub
but they had nobody who could do this, so i said that i would do it
with a friend of mine. They said that we may give it a try and so
was it that i became a "DJ"at 15 years of age. My friend
(Robert) and i (Sjon) started collecting the Disco equipment and 15
september 1984 was the day that we had our first Disco.
On the way that we were collecting the equipment 2 other guys wanted
to join our fresh drive-in and so we became a Disco quartet (Robert(16),
David(16), Hugo(18) and Sjon(15)). As i said 15 September was the
first Disco and with the Philips MFB speakers and an amplifiër
from Roberts father, 1 turntable & a tapedeck from my dad and
another turntable & a 4 channels audio mixer from Hugo, we were
ready to play....yeah right to play what?. we had a big collection
of top 40 tapes and some records from Hugo, and with that we started
our first Disco, And yes it was an amazing succes.
All the kids from 6 till 16 danced their asses of and Disco White
Horse was born (The name we took from the Laid back hit White Horse
which was in the top 40 in august 1984. there by comes that Robert
had an wooden horse which was made with a figure saw and that horse
did become our logo and name of our Drive-in.Later on we also did
play the records for the older people from the club and also thema
party's like Salsa, Italian and even a Country and western party.
In 1986 we played on a school for the first time.After a few times
of playing the records with all the borrowed stuff from our dads we
started to buy our own equipment and thats why i now still have my
SL 1200 MKII turntable and my 8 channels phonic audio mixer, and about
800 12"es, 400 7"es, 350 LP's, 400 CDmaxi's and 900 CD's
(i just can't stop buying).
For the playlist of part 1 you can click below

For the playlist of part 2 you can click below
For pictures of the White Horse crew click below