It's 8:10 in the morning and you're
on your way to work when you hear Madhouse on the radio and somehow
you think it is Run DMC with It's like that. But at the moment they
start to sing you hear that it isn't Run DMC but Madhouse. You get
a bit more awake and start listening with a little bit more attention
to the song and you take notice of the fact that it is possible that
both tracks match very well. With a lot of work to do in front of
ya you keep thinking about that combineesjon the whole day.
And what is the first thing you do then when you're finaly at home
and you got the time to crawl behind your PC. RIGHT you give the combineesjon
a try, and with succes i think. Listen to it for yourself !!.
If you want to send me some comments on the mix, feel free to mail