After finishing okaysjonmix 13 i said that i was more inspired then
ever, but i shouted too early.
After that mix there was no inspiration anymore for combinaysjon mixes
but only for a long megamix which
was almost finished while i wrote this.
But close before i finished my 2nd DJ's decade mix i was in the mood
again for a combinaysjon mix.
And that became okaysjonmix 14, this mix is some kind of a rip off
from my 2nd DJ's decade mix.
In the Decade mix both tracks seemed to fit very well so that's why
i decided to give it a try to put both tracks in a small combat mix.
Both tracks are playing the whole mix so none of the tracks come by
in a solo part.
Nice fact: This mix will also be played on the Mixfreaks Party 2001.
And if i'm honest (which i am) i can say that this mix is my best
combimix i made till so far
Used tracks:
Eurythmics - Here comes the rain again
Tone Loc - Wild thing
If you want to send me some comments on the mix, feel free to mail