This mix is my first remix of 1 song.
It isn't exactly the same as a mix that includes more songs because
now you have to use your immagination
and fantasie to rebuild one single track with maybe some samples or
extra beats.
The only extra's i used in this mix is an extra beat which i putted
over the excisting beat, and further i used some samples from the
song itself and brought them back to the song at different places.
My inspirator this time was Ronald kuipers from the mixfreaks list.
He asked if there where people who liked to remix a song of Level
42 for a Level 42 mixfreaks remix CD.
And since i also like the music of Mark King and his band i decided
to give it a try
I should say download the remix and judge it yourself.
If you want to send me some comments on the mix, feel free to mail