This mix is nr 6 in a row
I started with this mix before okaysjon mix 05 but finnished him later
because i got stuck in the mix.
But afterall i finaly finnished number 6.
The songs i used in this mix are:
Gazebo - I like chopin
Enigma - Sadness
Lil louis - Frensch kiss.
I came up with the idea of this mix when i played I like chopin in
the car on my way to Tilburg.
When i heard the first few tones i immediatly started to sing the
words from sadness and the idea for a mix was born. When i came home
that day i started directly with the mix and 9 hours later the mix
was on his way to my webserver. The comments i got on this mix so
far are all positive and stimulating to keep mixing.
If you want to send me some comments on the mix, feel free to mail