This is my first mix on the PC, and i made it in Cool Edit Pro (multitrack)
The tracks i used in this mix are:
Broads - Sing Sing Sing (Ballroom bigband version)
M/A/R/R/S - Pump up the volume (Extended version)
Sugarhill Gang - Rappers delight (Long version)
The time i spend on making this mix is 10 hours and i drunk 1,5 litre
Cola and smoked 6 sigarettes
I was inspired by Ben
Liebrand's half century mix, in this mix he did Sing Sing Sing
and Pump up the volume as a minimix. To be a bit different i did put
Rappers delight in it and it fitted wonderwell.
This was not a copy project but more a tryout to learn work with Cool
Edit Pro multitrack.
And acording to the reactions i got on this mix i guess it isn't bad
at all
If you want to send me some comments on the mix, feel free
to mail me

This mix got airplay on a radiostation in chile & on Radio
Contact in Belgium :o)